Photobiomodulation Therapy for Self Care

We all have sources of stress in our lives, and while some times are more stressful than others, it’s important to effectively manage stress and not let it overwhelm us. When we’re overwhelmed, getting work done or just getting through the day can be exhausting. Practicing self care is a necessary and effective way of managing stress and recharging our minds and bodies.


What is Self Care?

Self care is the deliberate act of evaluating your own wellbeing and taking time to rest and re-energize. Self care is a vital part of maintaining our overall health. If we aren’t taking the time to step back, rest, and refocus, we run the risk of overwhelming ourselves with stress, which has a negative impact on our long term health. Too much stress sustained for a long period of time can lead to burnout, which is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion. Oftentimes, those experiencing burnout feel constantly overwhelmed, exhausted, and unable to keep up at work or school.

Many of us lead busy lives, and stress is inevitable, so taking the time for self care is important to avoid burnout. When you’re busy, finding time for yourself may feel impossible or selfish, but self care doesn’t need to take a large chunk of time. And when you’re caring for yourself, you’re able to work better and care better for your loved ones. Remember—you can’t pour from an empty cup. Self care can be small, but it should be a consistent part of your routine. 


How Photobiomodulation Therapy Can Be Part of Self Care

Photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) can be a part of self care. PBMT utilizes specific wavelengths of red light to boost cellular energy production, which helps repair tissue damage throughout the body. Full body photobiomodulation uses a revolutionary LED light bed to deliver red and near-infrared light to the entire body in a safe, controlled dose. PMBT has a variety of applications that can help improve your quality of life:

Improve Mood & Sleep: Getting a good night’s sleep is a great way to practice self care, but the overload of blue light from computers, smartphones, and televisions can throw off our circadian rhythms and make it difficult to fall asleep at the appropriate time. Red light treatments in the evening can help correct your circadian rhythm by signalling to the body that it’s time to wind down. When we sleep better, we feel better.

Part of an Exercise Program: Exercise is another great form of self care. The American Heart Association recommends adults get 150 minutes of moderate activity a week for a healthy heart. As part of an exercise program, PBMT can reduce the risk of injury during exercise by increasing circulation and helping warm the body before activity.

Fight Harmful Inflammation: Inflammation is the body’s natural response to damaged tissue, but prolonged inflammation from oxidative stress can cause lasting damage and contribute to the development of chronic diseases. PBMT can help repair inflammation and increase cell proliferation.

Ultimately, self care is doing something good for yourself, and PBMT is one thing that can benefit your body in a variety of ways. When you visit your wellness clinic for a PBMT treatment, remind yourself that this is something good you’re doing for your body in a variety of ways. You can also spend your session in the pod practicing gratitude and thinking of positive things in your life and the people who help you. Gratitude is another form of self care, and even a few minutes a day can help relieve stress and refocus a negative mindset.


Getting Started With Full Body PBMT

PBMT sessions are short, generally lasting five to fifteen minutes, and most can be in and out of the clinic in thirty minutes. A PBMT should never exceed twenty minutes in the light bed. When you first get started with PBMT, you will want to have two to three sessions a week, and when you start to see results (typically in three to four weeks), one weekly maintenance session is all that’s needed.

PBMT doesn’t have any dangerous side effects for most individuals. You may feel lightheaded upon getting up, especially during your first few treatments, as a result of increased circulation from the session. If you are photosensitive, taking photosensitizing medications, PBMT may not be right for you. If you are pregnant, have had an organ transplant, or have cancer, do not use PBMT.


Self care is important for our overall health. You should never feel selfish doing something that’s good for your body and mind. PBMT is a great addition to self care that can have a positive impact on your physical and mental states. If you’re interested in trying photobiomodulation therapy, click the link below to find a TheraLight provider near you.

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