Red Light Therapy for Improving Your Mental Health

how red light therapy improves mental health

2020 has been a tough year in nearly every aspect, but especially in terms of mental health. Between COVID-19 and the stresses of everyday life, life is much more mentally difficult now than at almost any time in recent history. Fortunately, advances in medical technology, such as red light therapy, can help improve mental health.

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4 Ways Red Light Therapy Helps You Feel Better

how red light therapy helps you feel better

From seasonal depression to physical health to skin conditions, many people are reporting the benefits of red light therapy to help to treat numerous ailments. Red light therapy, also referred to as photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT), can help make you feel better in a number of ways.

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7 Ways to Beat the Pain From Digital Device Overuse

beat pain from digital device overuse

Computers, tablets, and smartphones have added a whole new dimension to our lives—we have instant access to a whole world of information and the ability to communicate with others no matter where they are. In this era of COVID-19, digital devices have allowed us to learn and work remotely, reducing our risk of viral transmission. But digital technology also comes at a cost: increased risk of pain, depression, insomnia, among other disorders.

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What is Mindfulness?

what is mindfulness

It sounds like such a simple thing, so can being mindful really have an impact? The truth is there is nothing simple about mindfulness. It’s a practice that takes effort at first, but more and more studies show that mindfulness can play a significant role in your physical and mental health.

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